Shingles. It sounds antiquated, like a long-gone disease from your grandparent’s day.  But the truth is, it still infects one in three, causing lasting pain. GSK, a top vaccine developer, wanted to highlight the modern risks to drive vaccination.


To bring shingles discussions into the modern age, we created Albert, the first android with a human virus, flawless except for one crucial detail: a blistering facial rash. Drawing from GSK's extensive library, he used AI to convey shingles information to a global audience, adapting his language for local markets.

Results: 87% of surveyed pharmacists were prepared to discuss shingles vaccination after interacting with him. Recognised as an 'Industry Exhibition Highlight' at the EULAR medical congress. Awarded a ‘World Class’ Net Promotion Score of 77.5. Won a gold in ‘Meetings, Events, and Exhibitions’ at the 2024 PM Society Awards.




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