GE wanted buzz around SIGNA™ Evo, a sustainable MRI machine upgrade that widens the tunnel for claustrophobic patients without necessitating full system replacement.

To stand out in the scientific, stat-driven world of radiology comms, we distilled the SIGNA™ Evo upgrade down to its core: a glowing ring that symbolised the widened scanning tunnel. We positioned this iconic visual amidst vast natural landscapes, conveying space and sustainability.

The campaign used hero films to introduce the brand, product films to highlight benefits, and supporting collateral for detailed information. A strong social media campaign directed users to the website, completing the customer journey.

140k LinkedIn impressions, 1000+ shares in the initial two weeks, and x2 golds in 'Best Product Brand Campaign' & 'Best Product Advertisement' at the 2023 PM Society Awards.


There's No Matching A Scratching
