To promote equality within our industry we must first determine the true scale of the problem, and the best way to do this is by asking as many people as possible to get in touch and make their voices heard.

To highlight this crucial need for real voices, we’re turning the equation on its head and inputting our census questions to an advanced computer AI with zero lived agency experience – or any ‘lived’ experience at all, for that matter.

The AI’s absurd, inhuman responses are a tongue-in-cheek way to highlight the need for real human opinions, rather than just assumptions based on spurious data samples.

These ads will exist as a suite, each appealing to a different minority group. The CTA directs people to put a stop to the inane guesswork by signing up to ‘All In’ and telling us about their experiences first-hand.

Our aim is for everyone who feels unrepresented within our industry to understand the power and importance of their unique voice. Because without their say, we’re just as aloof as a blundering computer.


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